I have recently discovered this great blog
Loobylu and I'm loving 'What's hot and whats not Wednesday'. Also loving that this week we can all join in. Yay! Ok so here we go.
Fashionista Friends,
I spotted these two ladies leaving the metro in Barcelona and was imediately struck by the awesomeness of their outfits. Friends everywhere should unite in fabulous fashion because that is Hot.
Cups of Tea are Hot.
Most notably Natures Cuppa Organic Earl Grey Tea. Forget Twinings, it is forever rendered meek by comparison.
Friends winning the Vogel literary award is Hot!
This year beautiful
Lisa Lang was a joint winner of our nations most prestigious award for young writers.
Being around talented creative people is very hot indeed.
Ah this album renders me speechless & awestruck in its Hotness.
The mechanism on my Canon camera called Colour Accent that allows me to do black and whites featuring one colour is really really hot. I know most people just use photoshop for effects but it is quicker this way.
I don't think I could ever get sick of this feature. I'm obsessed!
Ok Now.
The Birman.
Between the vomiting, frequent indoor urination and constant meowing my little Kameko is most definately Not Hot!
Poor little pussy cat. I would be a lot more sympathetic if she were not so gross.
Another thing that is terribly, most hideously Not Hot, is when friends drop you like a hot burning coal the minute they get into a new relationship- as if love is the all sustaining, one and only nutrient necessary for life?
(That little rant was an ode to people everywhere that have had that happen to them.)
Tonight, rushing into my sons bedroom annoyed that he is noisily playing instead of sleeping only to discover that he WAS sound asleep until I woke him and it was, in fact, the washing machine making all the noise.
Is utterly NOT HOT.
And what a fool I am.......
Lastly I find sometimes the photos I upload to blogger have an annoying ghostlike way of moving themselves around when my back is turned and then utterly Refusing to go back to their rightful spot. They may only go left when I want them right, they may only go small when I want them big, they disappear for days on end only to reappear when I'm on someone elses computer complaining about their disappearance.....Occasionally I have been known to 'ask' an online forum for assistance. In the lamest of lamens language I will seek my answers out only to receive a reply in some freaking computer psycho-babble, heavily reliant on the use of strange unknown terms or quaint known terms such as 'cookies' but disturbingly out of context. Or I'm told to change my template which takes forever only to have the same thing keep happening, strange gaps, flying photos, its like Alice in Wonderland in here some days.
Drives me CRAZY
Definately NOT hot.
Check out
Loobylu for more Hot + Not Hots....