Thursday, February 4, 2010

Creative Space XII...

(For April's Creative Space please go Here, Cheers)

Today I am bone tired, I have been feeling this way for weeks now but it is only today that I decided to visit my GP and plead with her to take my tiredness away. She said that I may be tired for one of 3 reasons-
  1. I have a virus.
  2. I am an exhausted mother to a spirited 3 year old.
  3. I have borderline chronic fatigue.
Arrrggghhh, in other words she has absolutely no idea why I'm tired and is grasping at straws and blood tests and why did I not just go and get a reiki or acupuncture instead??????? Sometimes when I'm talking to my Doctor I see a look come over her face which spreads from the corners of her eyes right up through her crinkled forehead and seems to suggest that she thinks I'm a mental case. "Mmmggghhh right, I see" she says with her sidelong doubtful-yet-curious eyebrow furrow.  What goes on behind my Doctor's eyes (countless lonely nights gorging chocolate in pajamas or torrid swingers nights) I can only imagine, but what I really wanted was some kind of magic pill not a psychological assessment.

Anyway today's creative space consists of lying on the couch watching Toy Story 2 for the 30th time and printing out swing tags for my little Shirring dresses which I have been slowly (and what I'm saying is s-l-o-w-l-y) making for a few weeks now. Mostly I'm just laying on my couch with my head thrown back and my hand to my brow being pathetic.  Sigh! 
But there is a compelling sense of completion in the pinning on of those swing tags.  There really is.

Please go and visit some actual Creative Genius spaces at Kootoyoo.


  1. I can relate to the bone tired thing...maybe we need a tropical holiday!

  2. I'm all for the tropical holiday, but I'm also a little in awe of what you consider "not creative." Your dresses are lovely! And your tags, too.

  3. Maybe you are just plain worn out. I love your little dresses & considering how you are feeling it't great you managed to finish them. Well done to you!! Hope you are feeling better soon x

  4. I had a similar conversation with my doctor recently too. When she was no help I have came home and resolved to drink at least 600 of water a day and to take spirulina, fish oil and a multi. I have also cut out most sugars. I have a point in the afternoon where I feel like I just can't go on but for the most part I think I feel an improvement. Hope you find something that works for you soon. X

  5. Hope whatever is making you tired sorts itself out (with or without the Doctor's help). The little dresses look lovely, by the way ;-)

  6. Maybe a holiday is in order to re-energize you, a change is as good as a rest, your dresses and tags are beautiful! very creative!

  7. here's hoping you get some sort of a solution soon! but you are still being so creative ~ which is wonderful
    i think Kate's got some great tips but my 2c, take more iron.

  8. So sorry you are feeling so tired - I hate feeling like that, very frustrating when you just want to get on with things. Your little dresses are just beautiful though! You're doing brilliant considering how you are feeling :) Hope you get a remedy soon x

  9. Thanks everyone that is really sound advice. I did start taking an iron tonic yesterday and fish oils and multivitamins are a staple for me, but a green powder like spiralina is a great idea. Definitely need more water and a tropical getaway. x

  10. I relate so much to the constant feeling of exhaustion. If you do find a magic pill please share.

  11. Sending you lots of love and energy. It looks to me like you're getting more done than you give yourself credit for. I know what you mean about Doctors. I always take what they have to say wit ha grain of salt. They seem to think I'm very kooky. xo m.

  12. Oh darling Neeness!
    I do hope it's not serious miss.
    I think you are probably just exhausted from that magnificent party you put on the other day :)
    Is there anything moi can do to help?
    We must plan our birthday weekend and go do something lovely and relaxing. Big Love!!

  13. those dresses and tags are beautiful, and even though I have a 14 month old daughter and don't normally "do" dresses, I would those, GORGEOUS! I truly hope you can resolve the tired thing, it must be tough. I feel for you!

  14. I am dead tired too ... not enough hours in the day (or night)

  15. I can so relate to what you're saying and I have the 3 year old to match ... a tropical holiday sounds bliss! I hope you feel better soon. Nic

  16. beautiful sewing here . a spirited three year old can do it . take care

  17. I completely get the satisfaction of pinning on a swing tag.

    Demand more from Dr, I say! Or at least a blood test. Or go and check out a acupuncturist or chinese medicine person. Us Mums of small people have a lot to keep up with! Hope you feel much spiffier soon.

  18. Eeek, Toy Story 2 x30 would exhaust anyone! The swing tags look very lovely :D

  19. Ugh, that doesn't sound fun at all... on the upside, your wee dresses are adorable, slowly created or not.

    Hope you find some hidden source of marvellous energy soon!

  20. the tags and the frocks are divine. hope you are feeling chipper soon. i reckon sack toy story and get stuck into desperate housewives, anything for a laugh

  21. You poor thing. Can totally relate to the tiredness thing. A night away on your own or with girlfriends works wonders for me. Hope you get to the bottom of whatever is causing you tiredess! (those dresses look fab!)

  22. Outside of going to the dr. for answers I am in the same boat..Lordy it's so hard to go on when all you can focus on is keeping your eyes open...I hope you can get some rest and find some answers soon..Lovely dresses :)

  23. I'm coming on the tropical holiday too! Had all day off yesterday to sewing and could not be bothered doing anything. Just sat at the computer and looked at everyone else being creative!

  24. I had chronic fatigue when I was younger. (M E)
    Its not nice, but i think its more easily diagnosed these days. I hope the doctors visit moves things along a bit.x

  25. Loved the post... sometimes it's good to just crash out..

    I went through a patch of daily tiredness every afternoon. I now have two plants on my desk which keep me awake by providing a spot of oxygen and cleaning the air of all the junk computers and colleagues spew out!! Ever since I've had them here I've not had the overwhelming desire to close my eyes around 2pm! I can't believe the difference they've made. I think it's the Prayer Palm that's the one that helps most.

  26. I found you via Kirsty's blog and have to say I'm right there with you on the exhaustion and spirited three-year old. I've never been more tired in my life!

    Your dresses are super cute!

  27. Tired is a common feeling in my life as well. Those dresses are gorgeous.
