Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Love Magnified....

I have just arrived home from a wonderful day to discover that my boy is going to give me a not-so-wonderful night.  I knew it was a terrible sign when I picked him up from Grandpa's this evening and was met with the discovery that he had just eaten an entire Magnum ice-cream and slept for FOUR hours through the afternoon.  I don't care what planet you're from, an almost 3 year old boy having a four hour midday sleep cannot be good for anyone involved.  Yet this revelation seemed to be completely lost on Grandpa who was quietly proud of his amazing sustained somnambulist inducing skills.  He seriously expected me to applaud him and mistook my open mouthed silence for admiration instead of outrage!
Meanwhile I am here tapping away on my computer while the little one is sitting in bed half singing, half crying.... half human, half beastie. And its nearing a hundred o'clock, time we were all asleep!

It is also nearly February.  The whole of January almost gone and I have not so much as even said Happy New Year to the 7 people that read this blog :)
 So Happy New Year.

Here are some revelations that could potentially lead to resolutions....or the other way around.
  • The Melbourne Museum is Awesome.  And so I have decided to take Little Jim once a week, starting last week.  He likes to pretend that all the stuffed animals in the glass enclosure can really fly even though they choose not to at the moment we see them.
  • Devendra is playing Billboard tomorrow.  How AMAZING is this artist????  Devendra Banhart being ridiculously beautiful and musical in ones home town is about as good as it gets.
  • Ron Mueck at the NGV is pretty awesome also.  I was planning on taking my son with me to see this tomorrow.  I have seen Ron's work before and think it will be amazing for a small child for all it's humanist aspects.  Plus I figure if I can take him to the Tate Modern and the Musee D'Orsay, I can take him to the NGV.  However in light of his current mood (yes still singing in bed and its now a thousand o'clock), I'm wondering if it would be tantamount to unleashing a dragon upon the city???
  • Being close to the beach is a wonderful thing.  Why did I ever move so far away?  (Crossing the Yarra River may sound simple enough in Theory but in reality North siders rarely do it these days unless they take a packed lunch.) I love the beach, I love Gippsland beaches in particular.  Even just the sight of the sea makes me feel good.  So much natural beauty to ponder and pioneer. 
  • I have decided that this year I'm going to see at least one film a week. So far I have seen Avatar, Bright Star, Fantastic Mr Fox, Up in the Air and Nine. These were respectively Awe-inspiring, Brilliant, Fantabulous, Unassuming and Not as amazing as you would expect for a cast of great women but nonetheless had amazing art direction and cinematography.
  • I believe I need to spend more time going out of my way to meet new people or see new things or new places.  I have been spending far too much time in my head or reading books or blogs or sewing and not enough site seeing.  I solemnly profess from this moment forth to endeavor to do more interesting things, instead of reading so much about other people doing interesting things.
There now the little one is finally off in slumber land and I shall soon follow.
See you next week, hopefully with some great pictures from Little Jim's Mad Hatters 3rd Birthday. x

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